Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is a portait of live in a village in indonesia. all natural still there are many trees that have not been touched by the hands of a destructive nature. where all citizens live quietly and peacefully in a comfortable atmosphere without any noise like life in the city. this villge is located in the province of west sumatera indonesia

 this is customary to use the community hall to hold a traditional metteing. locals call it  BALAI -   BALAI.  this is a traditional building that has been a slight renewal

                     this is a school where children learn. the local community to call RUMAH SAKOLA

 this a building traditional has never been in the renovation. this building used as storage of food such as rice. the local communty to call RANGKIANG

this is a picture of  children, who are happy fun. once seen themquite cheerful after play. altought only traditional toys.

and there are many more uniquess of their live. to be continue....


Padang west sumatera Indonesia is famous for cuisine one of which ish grilled fish. portion of the contents of one pack of rice, vegetables and curry is so typical.
price for one portion is only $1.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


why indonesia? its a question that pictured in our minds. indonesia has diverse culture which is now grieving. a variaty of disasters befall indonesia, there is with indonesia, 25/10/2010 yesterday there have been earthqukes in the mentawai island with vulcani explosion following merapi 26/10/2010 premises in the area of yogyalarta, more and more indonesian people who are suffering because of this disaster, the more crowded refugee camps due to fear of natural disaster affected residents.

is there anything wrong indonesia?or inded a natural phenomenon that is supposed to happen.
if all the disaster has occured, who is to blame.
essentialy let us all as. the indonesian people to pray for all this ordeal is over .. amien!1

PUNCAK LAWANG west sumatera indonesia.

Puncak lawang is located in west sumatera, indonesia kabupaten agam. view of mountains and hills are really beatiful in the plus stuning natural charm Maninjau Lake visible from the top of mace, top of the mace is also used as a kite flying competion

Sunday, October 24, 2010


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Saturday, October 23, 2010


hello.. i'm still new in the blog world.

about me, i come from a country indonesia, west sumatera province, more precisely bukittinggi city. do you know about bukittinggi city, bukittinggi is a city tour that many tourist visit, one of the most famous tourist moment is at jam gadang.

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